What is the definition of veneers?
It is a thin layer made of porcelain, cosmetic fillings, or others. It is placed on the front surface of the teeth, and despite its thinness, it becomes very strong and durable after its installation.
What are the benefits of veneers?
Use of veneers:
• Closing some spaces between the teeth.
• Improve the color of the teeth (all or some).
• Improve the appearance of the teeth.
• Correct some fractures or worn teeth.

How long is the dental veneer layer installation process?
Through it, he determines the correct sizes of the teeth and sends them to the laboratory to prepare the veneers. The veneer preparation process takes between two and four weeks, and during this period, the doctor puts a temporary layer on the teeth until the final layer is ready.
How long does toothache last after veneers?
People who have dental veneers often need about two weeks until the bite becomes normal and appropriate, and they can chew and speak completely normally, and it is worth noting that the sensitivity of the teeth that may occur after the placement of veneers should be temporary, and these side effects begin to fade in within the first few weeks