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What’s Rhinoplasty?

A rhinoplasty, or nose job, is surgery performed to alter the way your nose functions and looks. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, nearly 220,000 rhinoplasties are performed yearly, making this the most common facial plastic surgery procedure. Rhinoplasty can simultaneously help you improve breathing and achieve a more balanced appearance.

Benefits of Rhinoplasty:

The benefits of rhinoplasty, enlarging or reducing the size of the nose, giving the nostrils a new shape, improving the breathing process, reducing the hare, reducing the bridge of the nose, enhancing balance and harmony among other the time of the operation, the duration of the operation it’s take from one hour to three hours, and this is done under general anesthesia, and the patient must later stay in the hospital for 24 hours

Recovery from Rhinoplasty:
  • For the first few weeks after your surgery, avoid strenuous activity or exercise. Take baths instead of showers to keep your dressings dry. Don’t blow your nose for a while, and eat foods high in fiber to avoid constipation
  • After one week, the wound site will heal, and the swelling and blueness will gradually decrease or disappear completely.
  • The second week, the sutures and splint are removed, and the nose may appear swollen, edematous, and large at this stage
  • After a month, the accumulated edema in the nose resolves, depending on the patient’s skin
  • After 6 months to two years, the patient reaches the final result, where the nose takes the desired shape

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